In a futuristic setting, we see
now many different societies on different
planets...All of the planets have
immortals except for Earth.
There is even a Super hero planet,
which is inaccessible to all except its
heroes who can fly. Apollo is
a handsome prince of the Super hero
planet who is being pressured
to choose an immortal for a bride and new
queen....his goofy sidekick, Phoebus,
is supposed to help him select from almost a
universe of girls. Meanwhile,
on earth, Princess Maia is suffering
through her father's universal
corny TV campaign that features her in a
mushy and lame "Save the children"
ad. He promotes these in hopes of making
them look good, while Maia desperately
wishes for a sincere effort to save
the children and a stop to the
dumb ads. Of course, the immortals see these ads
laugh at the weakling, inferior
mortals.....but on the Super hero planet,
John watches the earth channel
with interest, wondering if the beautiful
earth princess was as fake as
she seemed on the commercial.
He flies down to earth, where he
sees Maia and lands to inquire about the
ads...when she expresses frustration,
he urges her to ignore the teleprompter and
speak from her heart. Maia is
a little angered by his unasked for advice, but at
the same time her interest is
aroused by his lack of arrogance as an
immortal and caring attitude.
She takes his advice, practically causing a
fight on TV with her father, who
quickly ends the commercial and angrily
tells her to go out in the garden
to wait while he first takes care of some
business and then lectures
Maia huffs off to the garden and waits.
Meanwhile, a beastly immortal flies
down from the super villains’ planet (the
biggest nemesis of the super heroes)
and dopily asks her to be his bride before
grabbing her with his big paws
and trying to carry her off.. of course she
struggles, but she is not much
of a match for his strength. A girl Super hero lands
and rescues her with some difficulty,
then as she and Maia talk, the earth princess
learns that she is Electra, a
half human, half immortal Super hero. Electra does
not fit in with the other super
heros because of her immortal father Jacob's union
with a human lady...and because
of his act, he was stripped of his powers and
banished to a dark, little known
region of the universe to forever one
except King Zeus of the heroes
knows the exact location.
Anyway, she and Maia bond and become
friends...and soon they are joined by
Phoebus and Apollo, who come to
see what is taking Electra so long. Maia
immediately thanks Apollo for
his help and he tells her, no problem...but the
beginning of their conversation
is interrupted by her father, who rushes out
and suspiciously pulls her away
from the superheros. Then he grounds Maia and
turns off her transporter so she
can't visit any other planets.
The next day, Apollo meets his
first immortal prospect for queen, a ditsy snow
bunny from Neptune who is rather
seductive. Apollo hates her immediately and
acts rather distant to her, much
to his father's dismay...who really liked this
choice. His father tells
Phoebus to show Apollo to the library where he can pick
from the catalog of immortal girls...when
Apollo and Phoebus are alone in the
library, Apollo ignores Phoebus’
attempts to get him to look at the “hot immortal
babes,” as Phoebus puts it, and
picks up the file on humans. Phoebus, seeing this,
says “hey, you don’t want
one of those mortals..they’re too grounded! Heh,heh.
Besides, your father would spew
fireballs if he saw you looking at that.”
Angry and frustrated because no
one up there understands him, Apollo flies
off to his favorite safe haven,
Jupiter, the planet of fine arts. No other super
hero patronizes this planet except
him, mistrusting art and looking down upon it as
too emotional. But Apollo
loves art and even writing poetry, so he feels at home
there and soon gets lost in a
painting that is a sensitive view of Earth.
Meanwhile, Maia sneaks out, finds
a transporter and also goes to Jupiter, one of
her favorite planets. She
visits the artists’ pavilion and spots Apollo painting;
intrigued, she looks over his
shoulder and highly compliments his painting.
“It’s very...spiritual,” she comments.
“It’s a beautiful and delicate look at our
nature on Earth.”
Startled, Apollo looked up at
“Thanks, but the other superheros
wouldn’t think so,” he replied bitterly.
“Why not? It’s wonderful.
You’re a true artist,” Maia said warmly.
“They don’t approve of art.
They’d go crazy if they knew I wrote poetry too.
They think this stuff is too emotional
and therefore, well, weak....." Maia listened
quietly as Apollo poured out his
frustration at having to hide this part of him.
“You just want someone to understand
you, don’t you? Don’t you see, there is
nothing wrong with any part of
you, not even this part of you, even if they don’t
understand. They just can't
comprehend how...” she hesitated, afraid she might
betray the emotion welling up
in her heart then let it spill as she stared deeply
into his trusting blue eyes. “Wonderful
you really are. Strong and powerful on the
outside, and on the inside, sensitive,
caring and loyal. A-a true Super hero. I
think your passion for art is
great -- I, uh, have always enjoyed it too...” her
sentence trailed off as Apollo
and her faced each other. He stood closer to her
than ever before and gently took
her hands in his. Suddenly Phoebus came flying
in to summon Apollo and was horrified
to see him with the mortal princess. He
grabbed Apollo to return to their
planet as Apollo quickly wished Maia a wistful
His father was waiting on him.
He rebuked Apollo for running off and then said,
“I want to stick around so you
can look at more queen candidates. You need to
think seriously about engagement!”
“I’m tired of this, Dad.
All these immortal girls are stuck up. And they don’t even
know me or understand me-- all
they want is to be queen. I want someone
different..a mortal, perhaps....”
King Zeus gazed sternly at him.
“Forget it. No mortals.
Do you want to end up like Jacob? Alone without your
powers, to work forever in a dangerous
region? No, no. The law is that you must
marry an immortal, and you are
the prince so you must esp. uphold this law!”
Apollo thought of Maia’s kind
and noble attitude and pictured her exotic
face and silky, long dark hair.
“What’s wrong with mortals, Father?
I don’t understand--”
Zeus cut him off.
“They are unworthy of you, they
are weak, they couldn’t handle the responsibility,
they are bad...just look at that
fool King Powhatan and his silly
daughter Maia...”
“You know nothing of her!
Just leave them alone!” Apollo soared off, enraged.
“Follow him,” ordered the king
to Phoebus.
“But, but,” protested Phoebus,
not wanting to act against his friend.
“Do it.”
To Be Continued.......