Inside, Rolfe watched them embrace through the
french doors. His heart sank.
'Pocahontas does love Smith, then she is to
be with him.' Rolfe walked away.
John Smith let go of Pocahontas.
His arms slowly falling to his sides. He gave
Pocahontas one last look before descending down
the steps to the garden.
'Good Bye' Pocahontas said to herself.
Pocahontas watched Smith leave
then walked back inside. Through the french
doors, she saw Rolfe leaving.
"John Rolfe!" She shouted, running after him.
"John?" Pocahontas ran through a couple rooms
before finding herself outside the
palace. She caught up to him just before he
was about to leave in his carriage.
"Pocahontas? What are you doing here?"
"I've come to be with you."
"No Pocahontas. You should be with John Smith.
I don't deserve you." Pocahontas
stared at him in shock. She went speechless.
John continued to get into his
carriage, not caring to look at her. "Pocahontas.....go
to him. Now, I said! Leave me!
If you don't love me, then go!" Rolfe looked
away from her. "Yaah!" He shouted to
his horse and rode off.
"John, No!" Pocahontas cried, "but I love you."
John Rolfe arrived home, slamming
the door behind him and quickly walking to
his study. He sat down at his desk, placing
his head in his hands. Thoughts were
spinning around in his mind and he could not
think straight.
Mrs. Jenkins heard him come
in and went to see what had happen. She peeked
her head inside his study and then knocked softly
on the door.
"Johnny?" She asked concernly, "Is everything
all right?"
"Everything is fine." John mumbled in a low
angry voice.
"Where's Pocahontas? I thought you were bringing
her back?"
"She's not coming back.......ever." He answered,
a bit sadly. "I'm tired, let me be."
"Okay Johnny." Mrs. Jenkins studied an old picture
hanging on the wall of John's
parents and then continued, "I remember how
when you were a boy, you never gave
up on what you wanted. You were so adorable
and had a strong will, like your
father. I remember when your father met your
mother. He loved her so much, that
he gave up everything to be with her," she paused
and looked at John, still holding
his head in his hands, "Real love, is not ever
giving up....on your love.....and her
Rolfe listened to her words.
He immediately moved around in his chair towards
the door way.
"Mrs. Jenkins...." But she was gone out of the
room. "But what does........that
Mrs. Jenkins came back an hour later to check
on John. She was ready to leave
for the dock to say good bye to Pocahontas and
wanted to see if he would like to
come. When she got to his study, John was gone,
only a note was left behind
addressed to her. It read:
Mrs. Jenkins,
Thank you for everything. I shall not give up.
Your Boy, Johnny
"Oh my dear boy."
Pocahontas arrived to the pier minutes before
the ship was about to depart. She
exited the King's carriage and walked down the
path to the ship's ramp. Mrs.
Jenkins was there looking for her.
"Pocahontas, Pocahontas? Oh..."
"Mrs. Jenkins? Over here!"
"Oh my dear." Mrs. Jenkins hugged Pocahontas
and she hugged her back.
"Oh Mrs. Jenkins. Thank you for everything.
Is John Rolfe here?"
"No, I'm afraid not. He left an hour ago. I
thought he would be here...." She said
concernly. Pocahontas' smile turned to a sad
frown and she looked away sadly.
"Oh John..." She said, he voice breaking. Her
eyes began to water. 'He doesn't
love me, I've hurt him' she thought. Mrs. Jenkins
began to worry. She didn't want
it to end this way.
"My dear, I'm sure he will show up."
"Thank you Mrs. Jenkins. Oh I will miss you."
"I will miss you too, please come back again."
"I'll try. Good-bye."
"Good-bye dear."
Pocahontas began to board the ship. Her heart
just breaking inside, and with tears
in her eyes, she walked over the to side to
watch the ship pull away from dock.'I'll
never see him again.'
In the shadows of the Captain's
quarters, John Rolfe had been waiting for
Pocahontas. When he saw her board and walk to
the side, he quietly walked over.
He felt so guilty from what he had said earlier.
Pocahontas perked up. She recognized that voice
and turned around.
"John!" Her heart began to beat faster. "I thought...."
John lowered his head to
"Pocahontas, I am so sorry for what I said,
please forgive me. I just couldn't let
you leave.....with being with you."
Pocahontas touched his hair, weaving it through
her fingers, as she looked into his
sad eyes.
"I do forgive you, I love you."
"Then I shall honor you with all my heart, Pocahontas."
John wiped away her tears
and placed his hand under her chin, lifting her head
to his. He leaned over and gently kissed her
tender lips.
As the boat sailed away, Mrs. Jenkins waved good-bye.
Then she noticed a young
man with Pocahontas, it was Johnny. When she
saw him with Pocahontas, her eyes
began to fill with tears of happiness! She now
knew that he did not give up on
Pocahontas' love, and his.
The End