Savage Beauty
                                                        Chapter 1


Well, John's wounds had healed and he came back to the New World to be with
Pocahontas. John lived in his own hut in the village and spent endless days with her.
Nothing came between John and Pocahontas; they were like 2 peas in a pod. There
were even rumors of marriage. Powhatan was happy that Pocahontas had finally
found someone and he hoped the rumor was true because he agreed John Smith was
a perfect match for his daughter. The entire village was fascinated by John and
wanted him to marry Pocahontas. Everyone hoped that his residence here was
permanent and he would never leave again.


Pocahontas felt the same way. She didn't ever want him to leave her again like that
and Nakoma suggested to her that she make a treaty with him, a treaty of love. So
Pocahontas went to John's hut and asked him about the idea. John thought it was a
great idea because he knew he wasn't ever going to leave her again and was
planning to ask her to marry him next week anyway. So Pocahontas wrote out the
treaty in English that John taught her and they both signed it on the bottom. It


To the Earth and Fire,

Here is our treaty of love. Our treaty that binds us together
forever and show's our devotion to each other. Upon signing
this we will never desert one another, be apart from one
another, argue with one another, and will never break up with
one another. As well as, these signatures represent our love for
one another, our trust, devotion, strength, respect, and
happiness that we will always hold. Breaking this treaty will
end the relationship and all the love that was shown between

We here by agree to this treaty of love,

Pocahontas  John Smith


After they signed it, John kissed Pocahontas passionately and gave her a gift
where she could hold the treaty. He was saving the gift for their anniversary for
the day they first met, but thought this was a better moment to give it to her. It
was a silver necklace with a clam shell locket at the end. The clam was shiny with a
turquoise tint and the chain had little blue glass beads on it. When John handed it
to her, Pocahontas blushed. She had never seen anything like it.

"When I saw this in a London store window, I immediately thought of you. I hope
you like it."

"Oh, John, it's so beautiful!"

"Here, let me show you the locket. It is just big enough to hold our treaty."

John took the treaty and folded it up into a little square and placed it inside the
locket. Then he placed it around her neck. Pocahontas couldn't believe it, the
necklace was perfect. She hugged John around the neck and thanked him for the

"But I have nothing to give you John."

"You've already gave me a lot. You gave me your love."

Pocahontas kissed John and she said good night to him because it was getting late.
Now Pocahontas knew John would never leave her again, never.


                                  Chapter 2


The next day was a rainy day. It had stormed all day and the weather outlook
wasn't very good either. Towards the afternoon, it got worse. There was lightning
and thunder. Everyone was packed away inside huts and tents except some
warriors hurrying around trying to tie down canoes so that they wouldn't be
washed away. A couple warriors were at one end of the bay and while they were
working, one spotted stranger come out from the forest slouched and walking
slowly. It appeared that the stranger had walked far and was trying to look for
shelter from the storm. Some of the men ran over to the stranger and help the
stranger to one of the huts. Some men and women watched from their huts as the
stranger entered Keketa's hut.


In the morning, everyone was talking about the stranger who came in the night
from the storm. Some people said it was a white man from Jamestown, while others
said it was a warrior from another tribe. John told Pocahontas the news and said
he would go see if it was one of his men from Jamestown.


John walked to Keketa's hut and asked for Keketa to come out. Keketa came, but
with a young lady at his arm. She was so beautiful. Her eyes were blue as the sky
and her hair was long, shiny, and had a sharp black color. Her hands alone looked
very delicate and small. She had a petite frame with petite feet. Keketa asked
what John wanted and told John that the stranger everyone is talking about is
right here at his side.

"Her name is Satasha and she has traveled far from her village to seek refuge
here. Satasha, I would like you to meet John Smith. He is here from Jamestown."

Satasha looked at John and gave him a sweet look with a little wink. John was
shocked. The stranger wasn't a man from Jamestown, but merely a young lady from
another tribe, who was very beautiful in deed. All the warriors that were standing
around near by, as soon as they saw this young lady, weren't standing around
anymore but were running up to her and asking if they could do anything for her.
Satasha was flattered of all the men flocking to her, but was not surprised
because this always happened all the time. Her mask was working as planned.


                                  Chapter 3


As warriors young were surrounding Satasha and old, the only one man she couldn't
take her eye's off was John Smith. This was the man she had heard lot about in her
village that was from Jamestown. This man was the key for her escape to England.
Her plan was to trap John into loving her to convince him to take her to London.
She stopped thinking about her plan and switched back to her pretend sweet self.

"Hi John. How are you?"

John was about to leave, but Satasha wanted to talk to him.

"Hello, I'm fine. You know English?"

"Yes. I speak English well. My father taught me. I can write too."

"Show me."

She took out a piece of paper she had in her pocket and a piece of charcoal then
wrote, "hello John, would you like to take me on a walk?" John read it and said
sure. Satasha immediately took John's arm and lead him away from the crowed.

"So, where would you like to go?"

"Can you show me the corn field. Keketa was telling me that you grow great crops."

"Alright, this way."

John and Satasha walked over to the corn and as they were walking, Nakoma
spotted them. She was helping Pocahontas with some chores.

"Oh, Pocahontas, I see John but he is with someone."

"What Nakoma?"

"Look, isn't that John, but who's that girl?"


Pocahontas looked across the village grounds and saw the girl hanging on to John's

"Pocahontas?" Nakoma looked at Pocahontas face. She was turning red. Pocahontas
said nothing, but ran over to John and the girl.


"John!" She shouted. John turned around.

"Pocahontas, I want you to meet Satasha. She has traveled here from another
tribe. She was just telling me all about her."

"Hello Pocahontas." Satasha said and gave her a smile. Pocahontas looked at
Satasha, but didn't like her one bit, this girl was all over her John!

"Wingapo." Pocahontas said and reminded John that lunch was almost ready then
walked back to her hut.

"Who was that John?" Satasha asked.

"Oh, that was Pocahontas, I'm going to ask her to marry me next week, but promise
me that you won't tell anyone."

"I promise." Satasha gave him a little smile, but when John looked away, she
stared at Pocahontas with an evil glance. "Hmm, Pocahontas" she thought "She
maybe a problem, I better do away with her, then I will John in the palm of my
hand. Heehee...then my plan will be complete."


John showed Satasha the cornfields and some other things. Then they came back to
the village. John took Satasha back to her hut and said good bye.


                                  Chapter 4


The next couple of days, John spent a lot of time with Satasha. She came over to
his hut many times and convinced him to do things with her. Pocahontas became
paranoid with Satasha and with her always hanging around John. It seemed like
John hung around Satasha more often these days then with her. Whenever
Pocahontas wanted to do something, John always had something already planned
with Satasha. Then when John was finally with Pocahontas......the conversation was
always Satasha this and Satsha that! Did John even love her anymore? Was he
tired of her? Is that why he's always hanging out with her? Pocahontas didn't
know what to think. She decided to tell someone.


Pocahontas went over the Nakoma's hut and told her what had been happening.
Nakoma tried to re assure her that John loved her, but that Satasha was just a
friend. Though Pocahontas couldn't see it that way and left Nakoma's tent feeling
worse then before. "John didn't love her anymore." Pocahontas kept saying to
herself. She was determined to prove to herself that John didn't care for her.


It was dark out side and Pocahontas walked slowly towards John's hut. She could
see he was still up because his fire was still going. But when she got close to the
hut, she could hear voices. They sounded like Satasha's voice and John's.
Pocahontas couldn't make out what they were saying, so she walked up closer and
peeped through the door. There, sitting on the floor, were John and Satasha.

"Oh it's beautiful!" John handed Satasha a gift.

"Do you like it?"

"Oh yes! It's very nice."

"I got it in London." John smiled to Satasha and Satasha looked at him.

She giggled and bent over to give John a kiss on the lips. John was surprised.

But as soon as Pocahontas saw that through the door, she just about fainted! John
is kissing her! It was true.....her intuition was true! John didn't love her.
Pocahontas couldn't watch anymore and ran away to her hut. Satasha saw
Pocahontas through the door and kissed John on purpose to make her mad.

"Why did you do that?" John asked.

"Oh, you've been so sweet to me. I just wanted to show you my gratitude."

"Okay, your welcome."

Satasha smiled and John smiled, but was offended. What would Pocahontas think if
she saw that!

"So, what do you think of my gift for Pocahontas?"

"I just said it was nice."

"Alright, I just want to make sure. I don't want to give her anything she doesn't

"Yes......So John, you really like Pocahontas lot huh?"

"I love her."

"Of course, but what something happened, to Pocahontas......or she couldn't marry
you, what would you do?"

"I'd try to marry her anyway."

"But what if you couldn't?"

"Than I would just about die.........I'd probably go back to England."

Bingo! Satasha got it. All she had to do was get rid of Pocahontas and then John
would have to go back to England, of course, talking him into taking her along...but
that would be a synch.

"Oh, go back to England, you say."

"But of course that will not happen because I will ask Pocahontas to marry me and
she will say yes."

Not in your lifetime, Satasha said to herself.

"Well, I better go..see you later John."

"Oh, bye Satasha."


                                  Chapter 5


When Pocahontas came back to her hut, she looked at the necklace around her neck
that John gave her. "What a bunch of crap!" She tore off the necklace and
started to burst out crying. She thought about the treaty of love she had written
and how stupid it was! John didn't even love was all a lie. Pocahontas fell
on to her bed. "I hate him! I hate him! I never want to speak to him again!"
Pocahontas cried herself to sleep.


The next morning, John was in a great mood. He was getting excited to ask
Pocahontas to marry him. Just a few more days now and Pocahontas will be his
fiancé. He walked over to Pocahontas' hut to say good morning when Nakoma
stopped him in his tracks, plus a couple more women. They all had sour faces.

"Good morning!"

"What did you do to Pocahontas?!"

"Do what?"

"She's crying her heart out in there saying you hate her and you never loved her."

"What! I never said that. Let me go see her."

"She will see no one! Go away you bastard! Go to your Satasha who you really

"What, Satasha, what are you talking about?"

No one wanted to hear John speak anymore and a couple warriors came over and
took his arms. His best guy friends were now carrying him away to him doom.

"Stop! Let me go! Pocahontas! What's happening?"


As John was being carried away, he saw Pocahontas come out of her hut with
Satasha at her side. Satasha was comforting Pocahontas.

"I'm sorry I had to tell you Pocahontas, but it was for your own good and the good
of your tribe."

"Yes Satasha."

"It's too bad John never really loved you. You could have made a nice couple. But
he did tell me last night that he never loved you and it was only for power of your
tribe. I'm really sorry."

Pocahontas started to cry again. She couldn't watch John being dragged away.
Satasha was so happy inside, everything was working as planned. Powhatan, seeing
how distraught Pocahontas is, will have to kick John out of the Village, ultimately
sending him back to England....and she will get to come along. Satasha gave herself
a little grin of excitement and a pat on the back. Nothing could go wrong now.


John was lead to Powhatan's hut by the warriors. Powhatan had learned of what
happened had already determined John consequence, 30 lashes and driven out of
his village. When Powhatan came out of his hut to confront John, all the men,
women, and children came to watch what would happen to him. Some of the tribe
still couldn't believe that that would have happened. "John is not like that" they
said, but as soon as they saw their Pocahontas crying, no one else deserved to be
punished then John.


"Yes, Powhatan."

"You lied to saved my life, had Pocahontas fall in love with you, and you
deceived us all!"

"I didn't do anything! What's happening? This has to be a bad dream!"

"John, shut up! I don't want to hear anymore from you! Pocahontas, come here."


Pocahontas ran to his side and hugged him. John watched her, but she wouldn't look
at him.

"Pocahontas, please! Please tell them I didn't say that! Please. I love you!"

"Pocahontas, did he say that?" Powhatan asked his daughter.

"Well," She looked at John. "I didn't hear him say it, but I saw him kissing
Satasha last night. The person who did tell me doesn't not want to be revealed."

"Boo Boo!" All of the tribe cried.

"That's good enough for me. Send him away to the podium. 30 lashes for him!"
Powhatan looked into John's eyes, "And you will never be allowed to come to this
tribe again. Understand!?"

John couldn't say anything, no one would listen. Was this because Satasha kissed
him?! But he never said he never loved Pocahontas. Who said that? As John was
being carried away, he looked around the crowed and saw Satasha.

"Satasha, help me, please tell them what I said last night, tell them that I do love
Pocahontas, Please, you heard saw my gift?"

"I'm sorry. I can't. Don't worry, everything will be fine."

John couldn't believe it, all of his friends didn't trust him. They all believed that
lie that was said! John tried to get loose from the warriors caring him to the
podium. He struggled and pulled, but couldn't get loose.


Pocahontas followed the crowed after John. She couldn't watch as John was lead
up to the podium and tied down with stakes in the ground. Powhatan nodded to a
warrior, who carried a long whip, to begin the 30 lashes. Pocahontas looked away
while Nakoma held her in her arms. Everyone watched in silence as John was
whipped. John didn't scream nor show any sign of pain, but he began to cry. His
whole world was falling around him. Struggling to speak, John tried to call for
Pocahontas, but it was no use. Each whip took his breath away and the pain pierced
him like nothing he had ever felt.

"Pocahontas,....Po-ca-hon-tass...., please......please......I love you..."


                                  Chapter 6


By the time of the last whip, John's body was lifeless and did not move. The
warrior untied John's arms and left him there. Everyone left him there, walking
back to there huts with his or her heads down. Powhatan walked away back to his
hut, but for some reason Pocahontas couldn't leave.

"Come on Pocahontas, you don't want to stay around this low life anymore. He has
poisoned us all. I was right all along!........Pocahontas?"

Pocahontas just stared at John lying there on the ground. She didn't know what to
think. Her life, her dreams, her future, had all fallen around her in one week and
now she didn't know what to do. But then John started to move. He was in such pain
and agony, but he managed to life his head up and he looked at Pocahontas.

"Pocahontas." John tried to speak, but nothing came out. Only his lips moved, but
Pocahontas could understand what he was mouthing. He was calling for her. After
all those lashes, he still wanted her.

"John, John, JOHN!" Pocahontas couldn't stand it, she still loved him even though
Satasha told her that he didn't. Pocahontas ran to John and tried to help him up.
His back was just awful to look at, there was blood everywhere from the lashes
and he was still bleeding hard.

"Oh John, I'm so sorry that this had to happen!"

John still couldn't say anything, as he lay on his side, he used all his strength to
touch Pocahontas' face and wipe her tears.

"I've always loved you. Remember our treaty? Please Pocahontas, I signed it for
you." John mouthed and Pocahontas knew what he said as if he was talking to her.
Then John fainted in Pocahontas' arms. She started to cry even more. What had
she done! Did John really love her?


Satasha walked over, not surprised or shocked.

"Oh what a piety that this had to happen. Pocahontas come along, he doesn't love
you remember."

"I don't care!"

"Come on Pocahontas, don't be stupid, he was playing you as a fool."

"Then let me be a fool. Go away Satasha!"

"Fine. It's good I saved you from him, he was going to ask you to marry him
tomorrow, but I guess that won't happen now because by this time tomorrow, John
and I will be on a ship to England."

"Him and who?"

"Me of course."

"Why do you want to go to England?"

"Well, make sure he gets there and never bothers you again."

Pocahontas didn't believe Satasha and she looked at her.

"No you don't!"

"Yes, I do.....I'm just thinking about you princess."

"You're just thinking about yourself Satasha! John didn't say that did he last
night?! What did he really say?"

"Ahh.....he said....he did say that, he told me!" Satasha didn't know what to say. She
started to back away and Pocahontas stepped closer. Some men and women heard
the argument and came out to see what was happening. Everyone watched
Pocahontas stand up to Satasha.

"You don't know do you?"

"Yes I do! He did tell me!"

"I don't believe you! You are just using him to get to England! I can't believe it!"

"Ahh...well I.."


All of a sudden some warriors came out from the forest that were from another
tribe. The ran up to Powhatan's hut to tell him some important news. Powhatan
came out immediately and looked at Satasha.

"There she is!"


"What's going on??" Satasha recognized the warriors, they were from her tribe.
"No, my name is Satasha! Leave me alone!" The warriors grabbed her and tied her
up. Pocahontas watched, but did know what was going on. She went back to John to
help him get up. Powhatan called for all his tribe to come here for some important


"My people! I have terrible news!" Powhatan looked at Pocahontas. "John is
innocent and what he says is true, but here, Satasha has lied to my daughter and
me! Her real name is Kanamoa and she is from the Creek tribe. There she has
betrayed her people and as a last resort, ran away and seeked refuge here. She
was trying to get a ride to England, and that is where John came in." Powhatan
turned to Pocahontas. "I'm sorry Pocahontas."

Pocahontas turned to Kanamoa.

"You lied to me! You lied to John! And look what you did to him! I'll never forgive
you for what you have done!" Pocahontas walked up to her and punched her in the


                                  Chapter 7


"John, John....." Pocahontas tried to wake up John, but he was still out. "I'll never
forgive myself for believing her! Look what I've done to John. Look at him."
Pocahontas started to cry and a tear landed on John's face. John moved a little
and his eyelids twitched.

"John! John! Oh please!"


"Oh my, John....I'm so sorry!" She bent over and kissed his face.

"Pocahontas, I love you so much, I would never say I didn't."

"I know I know, Satasha was lying, her name isn't even Satasha, it's Kanamoa.
John, please forgive me. If you don't want to marry me know, I'll understand."

"No, Pocahontas, I still want to marry you, but not this minute......"

"Oh yes......Namontak! Please come over here and help John. Take him to Keketa's,
now! He's in pain."


Namontak picked up John carefully and carried him to the hut. Pocahontas
followed behind.....

"Oh, wait...I'll be right back!"

Pocahontas ran off towards her hut. "I must get it!" She ran inside and looked al
over the ground. "I have to find it! I have too!" Then she found it, the locket that
had the treaty in it. She picked it up and cleaned it off. Then she put it around her
neck. "Ahh, our treaty of love....." Then she remembered what the treaty said and
how John looked when he signed it. Then she came out of her dream and went to


Days passed, and Kanamoa was hanged for what she had done. She was a true
savage. Although she was beautiful, she was truly a savage inside.


John's wounds started to heal and he had regained his strength. Pocahontas helped
him a lot and tended to him. Then one day, he walked out into the forest and left a
note for Pocahontas in her hut for her to come and meet him there. When she read
the note, she ran to the forest to find him. John was waiting under an old willow
tree where he asked Pocahontas to marry him. She accepted and they kissed
passionately in the shade.


                                  The End

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