"Pocahontas, I would like you to meet...." John
Rolfe started, "....Lynn."
Lynn softly let go of his arm and walked to
"I just met her today. She is one of the King's
ladies in waiting."
"Hello, how do you do?" She gave a small curtsy
and smiled. "Johnny has told me
all about you. I hear you are from the America's.
Oh, how much I would like to
visit there someday! You must be proud of your
Pocahontas perked up. She was surprised with
Rolfe. Him with a young lady like
this at his arm. John must feel very proud.
"Yes, I am well. I am very proud of my people
and my land." She smiled to Lynn
and Lynn smiled back. 'Odd' Pocahontas thought....'I
thought Rolfe loved me.
Doesn't he? Or was that my imagination?' Pocahontas
looked at Rolfe and saw the
sparkle in his eye when he looked at Lynn. 'I
guess, if she makes him happy, maybe
then Rolfe wasn't my path after all......but
then.......what is?'
"Pocahontas? Now that the King has recognized
you for your royal status and has
made you apart of his court, will you go back
to your people? Mrs. Jenkins would
really like to see you once more and I think
Ute wants to stay behind with her."
"Ahh.....I don't know yet." Meaning, Pocahontas
was uncertain of her path. Her
heart was not helping much. "I guess I
will soon. My people need me, it's about
time I went to them and shared the great news."
"That would be a good choice. You should tell
Then John Smith came running
up behind Pocahontas, grasping her by the waist
and lifting her into the air.
"Pocahontas! They gave me a ship! My own ship!
My dream has come true!" He
looked into Pocahontas' eyes with the biggest
smile on his face, letting her down to
the ground.
"I'm so glad for you, John." Pocahontas tried
to act happy for him, but 'her path'
was bothering her.
"Yes, I will have to put together a crew immediately!
Get supplies and such. This is
wonderful!" John let go of Pocahontas' waist
and turned to the landscape,
dreaming. "I'll set new courses, visit unknown
lands, travel around the world!"
Rolfe and Lynn listened intensely.
"That sounds wonderful Smith." Rolfe said.
"I'm so proud. Sounds fantastic." Lynn added.
"I know! And I can't wait." John said enthusiastically.
Pocahontas, on the other
hand, was not enthusiastic. She was confused, felt
mislead. She turned her head away from the commotion.
'I thought Rolfe loved me,
now he has someone else. And John Smith, he
has his ship now, where would I fit
in? I feel so lost,' a tear streamed down her
check,'What is my path!? Where do I
go, from here?'
John Smith's voice became
a mumble in her ear as she tried to listen to her
heart again, closing her eyes. To ask it, where
she should go. Then Pocahontas felt a
pair of hands touch her shoulders. They were
a large pair, long in the fingers and
wide in the thumbs. They laid heavy on her,
but their warmth was comforting and
she began to like them. Then the hands began
to pull her, pull her around in a
circle. Pocahontas did not understand, but she
let them pull her. Soon she heard a
voice, a deep pure voice she once knew. The
words she could not make out but then
became clearer. Pocahontas opened her eyes,
to face John Smith. It was his warm
hands on her shoulders. Pocahontas let out a
long sigh.
"Pocahontas? Are you all right? Have you heard
what I said?" John asked.
"Huh? Oh, John.........um."
"Pocahontas, I want you to come with me. I want
to sail the world with you.........I
want you by my side, always." John looked deep
into her eyes. Pocahontas, a little
unclear of what he meant, began to piece it
together in her head.
"Go with you? On your ship?"
Pocahontas looked at him, into his eyes..........'Is
this it? My path?' she thought.
"But where would we go? What would we do?"
"Pocahontas, we would be together. That's all
that matters. I'm never giving you up
again." John pulled Pocahontas closer to him.
He touched her cheek carefully, not
to alarm her or to effect her decision. "Please
say yes. I would be lost with out
Pocahontas was speechless. As she looked at
him, at his handsome face, his dear
expression, she remembered that sad day when
he left her and he asked her to
come with him. She had refused.......and now
at this moment, she did not want to
refuse again, like she did so many years ago.
Pocahontas knew what her path was
now! She knew where to go! And she knew what
her heart was telling her! 'Go with
him!' it repeated.
"John.......yes, YES, I will go with you." Pocahontas
cried out with only her breath.
John Smith looked to her in shock! What was
this he was hearing?
"You want to come? To be with me?"
"Yes! I do!"
"Pocahontas! Thank you! You will not regret
this! I love you so much!"
John couldn't handle himself or his happiness
that he suddenly felt. He took
Pochaontas in his arms, and infront of Rolfe
and Lynn, kissed Pocahontas on the lips
passionately! Pocahontas could not refuse him
and wrapped her arms around,
holding tightly.
"Well, I guess Pocahontas will be an adventurer
too...........and a Mrs. Smith." Lynn
added, smiling big to Rolfe. John Rolfe smiled
too. He was happy now that
Pocahontas had found her path and she had finally
found where she belonged,
because for Rolfe, he knew where he belonged
now. He looked at Lynn then kissed
And for John Smith, he was the happiest man
The End