The Path Ahead (rewrite of Pocahontas 2 end)

 A warm breeze swept over the balcony where Pocahontas was standing.
Inside, John Smith was being praised by the grand ladies of the court.
He was smiling his usual charming grin and trying his best to get out of
the room without much success.  Pocahontas was watching him when she was
surprised by a hand on her shoulder.  She whirled around and found John
Rolfe standing behind her.  He took her hands into his and smiled.
 "Pocahontas, what you did today was amazing.  Your people will be proud
of you, I'm sure of it."
 "Thank you, John.  You also must be very proud of your accomplishments,
and your new position in court."
 "Yes, it's what I always hoped for."
 Pocahontas took a deep breath.  She knew there was more that he wanted
to say to her, and she too had things to tell him.
 "Pocahontas.......will you be leaving tomorrow?"
 The wind blew her hair across her shoulders and around her neck.
They both knew what the answer was without saying a word.
 ".....Yes.  I'm going home, where I belong.  I'll be leaving first
thing in the morning.
 John Rolfe looked away and sighed deeply.  It was clear that he loved
her.  He closed his eyes for a moment and then spoke.
 "And I, I can't convince you to stay just a little longer?"
 She sadly shook her head "no" and tried to smile a bit.  "I'm needed in
my village."
 "Then you'll write to me at least?"
 "Of course.  We'll always stay in touch."
 She leaned over and kissed him on the cheek.  "I'll never forget you my
 He tried to answer her, but, not being able to find any words, he
smiled and left the balcony.
 "Pocahontas?" called John Smith.
 "Pocahontas, they've given me my own ship!" he said putting his arm
around her.  "And now that you've settled matters with the
King.....well I was hoping you'd be with me when my ship leaves port
tomorrow.  At last, my love, we can be together."
 "John," she said pulling out of his gentle embrace, "we followed
the same path once.  I have found where I belong."
 He cringed as if her words caused him pain.
 "I hope you will also find happiness," he said.
 "May the Great Spirit always be with you."
 He gazed at her one last time and  turned away quickly to hide his
tears.  As he rode away from the palace, he turned around to look at her
on the balcony.  The wind blew a trail of green, Spring leaves around
him.  They seemed to carry the voices of the past on their smooth
surfaces.  And the voices echoed in his ears, "I'll always be with
   * * * * * * * *

 That night, Pocahontas did not return to John Rolfe's home.  She
wandered the streets of London aimlessly and thought about all that had
happened to her both recently and long ago.  And she thought about what
the future held for her.  Yes, what about her path?  She walked all the
way to the abandoned cottage where she had hid with Rolfe and Smith.
She pushed the creaky door open and entered the small, dusty room.  A
small hole in the ceiling made a patch of silver moonlight on the floor
boards.  Pocahontas sat there and turned her eyes to the stars.  They
were the same stars she had looked at every night of her life, and they
knew everything that had ever happened to her.  And she remembered
sitting under the stars years ago.  And she remembered knowing exactly
what her feelings were and which path she should choose.

   * * * * * * * *

 That morning, Pocahontas was running through the streets as fast as she
could. Only once had she had ran like this.  She forgot about the pain
in her legs and she let her heart carry her.  John Rolfe's home came
into view. All she could think was "It's not too late, I can still make
it!" Her vision became blurry, but she did not need to be able to see to
know what her path was.  She ran faster and faster towards the house,
and then she ran right past.
 Finally, she fell to her knees on the deck of a ship.  She breathed
heavily until she was able to stand up.  Through the clamor and
confusion, she saw a tall, strong figure with shoulder length hair
looking out on the ocean.  She gingerly walked up to it and put her hand
on its shoulder.  It turned around in surprise and focused its blue eyes
into hers.
 "John! I was afraid I was too late!"
 He took her hands, his eyes wide. "I thought you loved Rolfe, I don't
 "I realized that this was my true path, and it always has been.  I
could never feel this love I have towards you for Rolfe....never."
 "Then you still love me as you did before?"
 She put her hand on his face. "I never stopped loving you." She said
 Slowly, almost as if they were in a dream too wonderful to be real,
they put their arms around one another and kissed tenderly.  The ship
sailed off into the horizon with two eternal lovers, united forever on
the same, unending path, that they would follow all their lives.

    The End

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