By: Ashley Brown
Pocahontas walked into John Rolfe's living room where he and John
Smith was waiting for her.
"Well you know I love you both dearly and if I could I would be
With both of you, but I know I have to choose one of you to be
Happy...." Pocahontas began.
"Pocahontas, if this is hard for you, we can wait a couple more weeks or
Months to make your decision" John Smith told her in a caring voice.
"That's right, all we want is for you to be happy." John Rolfe told her.
Pocahontas smiled at the two men "Thank you, but this decision has to be
Made and it has to be made today." Pocahontas said taking a deep breath.
"The person I want to be with always and forever is John...."
John Smith and John Rolfe's hearts began to beat faster then usual,
Both at the edge of their seat wondering which man would get to spend
The rest of his life with Pocahontas. Pocahontas began again...
"The person I wish to be with is John...John Smith."
John Smith just stood their speechless not knowing what do say or do at
That moment, but John Rolfe however knew exactly what to do, her decision
Just stabbed him in the heart and he was in great pain and agony. John
Rolfe couldn't even look at her; it just hurt too much he turned his head
Away from Pocahontas and looked at the floor. Pocahontas went on
"I want to be with John because, I love him dearly...I saved him from
Death, and confessed my love to him in front of his people and mine,
Even when that evil Governor Ratcliff shot John and he had to return
Back to England I still loved him, even when I heard rumors that he was
Dead I knew in my heart I still loved him. After five years my heart was
With him, John Rolfe please understand...please don't hate me or John
John Rolfe sighed he wanted to look at her but he couldn't
" I don't hate you....even though you and Capt. Smith here are together
and madly in love. I still can't help, but being in love with you. What
did I do wrong, to make you not want to be with me? I could give you
more then that Captain could in a lifetime! He is only a poor Captain,
but I am a rich diplomat. What can he give you that I can't! I demand to
know!" John Rolfe screamed.
Pocahontas became very frightened "John Rolfe, please understand my
decision, please understand that for me to be happy I need to be with
John Smith!"
"You did not answer my question what can he give you that I can't?!" he
screamed again.
"TRUE LOVE!" Pocahontas shouted. "Do you want me to spell it out for
you?!" Pocahontas screamed.
John Rolfe became very flustered and very angry and advanced on
Pocahontas as if he was going to hit her, but John Smith who had been
silent through this whole conversation blocked Rolfe so he couldn't get
near Pocahontas.
"Get out of my way Smith if you treasure your life!" Rolfe demanded. But
John Smith being brave wouldn't budge
"If you really care for Pocahontas you will leave her with her decision!"
he said.
John Rolfe started laughing and evil laugh
"Oh right leave her with her decision because she's with YOU!? You would
do the same thing if she had chosen to be with me Smith!" he shouted.
John Smith shook his head
"No Rolfe, I would not do what you are doing because I would respect the
fact that Pocahontas loved and wanted to be with you!"
John Rolfe became flustered yet again and punched Smith and he feel to
the ground, but got back up yet again and was about to punch Smith, but
Pocahontas stopped him.
"John, honey don't. You don't want to be like him do you?" Pocahontas
said looking deep into his soft blue eyes.
John looked at Pocahontas and softly kissed her
"No I don't want to be like him..." John whispered softly to Pocahontas
"but..." he went on "but if he thinks for one moment I am going to let
him hurt you he is wrong. I will never let anyone separate us again!"
John said starting to cry. He was so happy that after five long years he
and Pocahontas would finally be together. Pocahontas softly kissed John
and wiped away his tears. John took Pocahontas' hand "Come on honey
lets go home, you don't need to stick around here anymore...." John
looked at Rolfe. "Look I know you are still upset, but um would you let
Pocahontas get her things?" he said trying to be nice to Rolfe. Rolfe
looked coldly at Pocahontas and John
"Yes go get your things and get out of my house I don't need you here
you little bitch! If I hadn't of taking you to London, you would of
never know that your periods John Smith was even alive! Just get your
things and get out of my house!" John Rolfe said with tears rolling down
his face.Pocahontas ran into her room and quickly packed her things and
walked out. John Smith looked at Pocahontas she grew more beautiful by
the moment.
"John Smith honey I am ready to go..." she said softly to him.
John Smith smiled "Alright honey, but before I go may I ask you a
question?" he asked her. Pocahontas nodded
"Yes John, what is it?"
"Pocahontas will you marry me?" John asked her. Tears filled Pocahontas'
"Yes John, Yes I will!" She cried throwing her arms around his neck and
kissing him with extreme passion that really pissed of John Rolfe. Rolfe
grabbed his gun and shot it in the air so they would be aware of the
guns presents. John and Pocahontas ran out the door, still carrying
Pocahontas stuff, but Rolfe followed screaming
"I hope you enjoy your time together!"
Finally Pocahontas and John Smith reached his house and John lead her in
the door and helped her unpack her things.
"Oh, John. I love you so much. I am sorry that happened back there..."
she began to cry on his shoulder, but John comforted her.
"Oh, Pocahontas angel I love you too, it is not your fault what happened
back there. Understand?"
"Okay..." Pocahontas whispered. Since Rolfe wasn't there to stop
Pocahontas and John, they began to kiss passionately.
"Oh, I am so glad you are going to marry me Pocahontas. I feel like I am
the luckiest man alive."
Just as John said that there was a knock on the door, so John and
Pocahontas went to answer it....
"Oh um errs...Rolfe!? What do you want?" John said nervously as
Pocahontas clung to John's arm tightly, she was very afraid because
Rolfe was here. After his actions today he had no business to be at
John's home.
"Um, I wanted to say I am sorry for about what happened earlier today.
My actions were un-called for and I shouldn't have blown up like that.
Pocahontas I am sorry if I scared you and upset you. Do you think you
can forgive me?" he asked full of hope. Pocahontas looked at John Smith
"Pocahontas it is your decision whatever or not you want to forgive him or
not. I don't care what you decide at all honey."
"No, I shall not forgive you..I bid you good day sir!" Pocahontas said
shutting the door on his face. John held Pocahontas in his arms.
"Okay here is what we will do...we will get married that
okay with you?"
"I would love that John"
"Then we will hop on a ship to Virginia, and stay there happily for the
rest of our lives. How does that plan sound to you my love?"
Pocahontas answered his question with a passionate kiss on the lips.
The next day Pocahontas and John were married and furious that John
Rolfe was there watching them join together as husband and wife, but
said nothing. After Pocahontas and John were married, they went to
John's house and packed up everything they would need on the long voyage
back to Pocahontas' home. They arrived at the ships deck and went on the
ship that would take them to beautiful Virginia.
"Oh John it has been to long since I have been here. I hope Thomas and
Nakoma keep the peace between our people alive."
"Don't worry Pocahontas, if they didn't keep it alive you and I could
easily bring peace to our people again."
Pocahontas smiled and kissed her husband. As they steeped off the ship
Nakoma and Thomas who had been married two weeks earlier saw them and
ran up to greet them.
"John lad you're alive. We heard here that you died."
"Well, I am alive and well Thomas, alive and well. And Pocahontas and I
are married."
"Oh, Pocahontas that is so wonderful. Thomas and I just got married two
weeks ago."
Pocahontas let out a sigh of relief "So the peace has been kept between
our people that goodness."
Nakoma smiled "And I see that you and John will be excepting soon!"
Nakoma said as all for of them walked together with Thomas and John
carrying the stuff that Pocahontas and John owned.
"Oh yes, in five months the baby will be coming" John told her.
Nakoma smiled at John, she was happy to see her best friend was finally
Five months passed quickly and Pocahontas gave birth to a baby girl in
which they named Rebecca. John had built Pocahontas a handsome little
house in her village and there they lived happily with their daughter. A
12 years passed and John and Pocahontas were very happy together in
deed. They lived the rest of their lives together in peace.
The End