A month went by on the ship
back to Virginia. Pocahontas and Johnny became
a lot closer, to the point that, they couldn't
be away from one another for a
moment. Johnny always had to be near Pocahontas
or his heart would ache.
Pocahontas had a room next to John's and every
night they would say good night
one another. Many nights, John and Pocahontas
would just lay in their beds
of the other. Pocahontas even had thoughts of
going over to Rolfe's quarters
in the
night, but her thoughts would always get in
the way, "You can't be with him
You don't even know if he loves you that way!
You're not married!" Pocahontas
didn't know what to do.
For Rolfe, it was worse.
Every time when he said goodnight to Pocahontas,
always gave him a little smile and cute little
"good-bye" face where she would
squint her eyes. Every time he saw that, his
heart would just melt! And
Pocahontas touched him, he could feel his heart
flying. John wanted so much to
her and to take all that she had in with him.
He wanted her with such a
passion that
it was so unbearable to control. John's heart
was telling him "take her, Take
But his thoughts were saying "wait till you
get to Virginia and ask her to
Weeks went by with them having
these feelings, until someone had to break
ice....and break the ice they did!
It was early morning and
John had already gotten up. He was feeling
and couldn't sleep any longer. On deck, the
sun shone brightly and the puddles
the wood floor were beginning to dry. It was
going to be another hot warm day
John knew it.
At the same time, Pocahontas
was just beginning to wake up below deck. She
just had a long rest and was now ready for the
coming day. Pocahontas slowly
out of bed and stood up stretching. Sore and
stiff muscles stretched while
cracked. She never felt better. Pocahontas took
her stiff hands and rubbed her
face then slid them down her body, over her
shoulders, chest, breasts,
stomach, and
down to her hips. The old closet next to her
bed had a long mirror on the
front and
Pocahontas inspected her body. She was very
pleased of her developed form; it
wasn't a little girl's body anymore, which she
once knew well, but it was now
woman's body.
Pocahontas proceeded to get
dressed and washed up. She brushed her long
hair, scrubbed her face, and then went to top
deck. The bright sun glared in
eyes and she had to cover her face. John saw
her emerge from below and briskly
went to her side.
"Pocahontas. Good morning!" Rolfe said, gleaming
with excitement to see her.
took her hand and lead her to the kitchen where
they could eat breakfast
"Morning John. Did you sleep well?" Pocahontas
held his hand firmly and pulled
close to her as she looked into his eyes.
"Ah, I slept.........alright......." John struggled
to get out, "but It would
of been
better if you were with me......," he quietly
"What was that?" Pocahontas didn't catch the
last part. John stood straight up
looked at the ground away from Pocahontas.
"Ahh, nothing.......I just said," John turned
to Pocahontas, "I would of slept
if you were with me."
Pocahontas went quiet and
looked at him. She was flattered and a smile
through her round red lips.
"Oh John." She said pulling John closer to her.
John put his arm around
and she lifted her head to him in surprise.
A soft kiss touched her lips and
paused from walking. For a moment the whole
world seemed to stop as they
then Pocahontas pulled away. "John, we better
not, not here, not on deck."
"Oh, all right. Lets go to breakfast." John
was a little disappointed that she
stopped their kissing, but he could always kiss
her again later.
The day passed quickly and
it was soon late afternoon. The heat and the
sun was beginning to bother everyone and tempers
were easily turning.
really couldn't take the heat either, the humidity
was nothing like she had
been in. It was hard for her to breath and stay
still for more then a second,
Pocahontas was so uncomfortable.
John and her were sitting
on top deck together in the shade of the
quarters when Pocahontas started to have dizzy
spells. John looked over at
Pocahontas, who was dripping with sweat and
turning red.
"Pocahontas? Are you all right?" He asked concretely.
John placed his hand on
shoulder. "Pocahontas?"
Pocahontas lifted her head
to him and opened her eyes.
"I'm fine John, just hot." She didn't want to
show John that she really didn't
well because she didn't want him to worry. "I
think I'm just going to go down
below and lay down." Pocahontas slowly stood
up on her weak legs and stepped
away from the chair.
"all right Pocahontas. I'll come down to see
you soon." John watched
walk away slowly and carelessly. Somehow he
knew she wasn't all right.
Pocahontas began to sway and her feet beneath
her gave out. She fell down to
floor like a wilted flower.
"Pocahontas!" John ran over to her side. "Pocahontas?!
Pocahontas?! Someone
me! Get the captain!" John shouted and the crew
began to crowed around him.
"What's happened?" The captain asked and then
he saw Pocahontas laying on the
deck. "Oh!"
"Captain, she fainted and I can't get her to
wake up." John cried, his eyes
that he was truly worried for Pocahontas. The
captain felt Pocahontas for a
and felt her temperature.
"It looks like heat exhaustion. You better take
her down below and give her
water. I think she will be all right. This heat
must be too much for her." He
at John and motioned for him to take her below.
John lifted Pocahontas' lifeless
body and took her down below to his
He gently laid her down on his bed and placed
a cold wet towel on her head. A
chair companies the bed and John made himself
comfortable there next to
Pocahontas. He began to stoke her hair until
he feel asleep himself.
Two hours passed before Pocahontas
began to stir. She began to wake up and
found Rolfe asleep in the chair next to her.
Pocahontas had never really been
John's room, so she looked around at the walls.
Everywhere were little
drawings of
people and little portraits of people. One caught
her eye which was above her
It was a small pencil drawing of a girl with
long hair. As she looked closer,
realized it was a sketch of her. Pocahontas
blushed! John kept a picture of
her in
his room?! She couldn't believe it. Pocahontas
looked at John resting in the
then back at the picture. A little thumb tack
held the picture on the wall, so
carefully removed it and looked at the drawing
in her lap.
John began to wake up and
saw Pocahontas looking at his picture.
"Pocahontas?" He said sleepily.
"John...." Pocahontas was surprised, she thought
he was still asleep. He sat
up and
stretched his back.
"Are you feeling better? You gave me quite a
scare up on deck earlier!"
"Oh yes, I feel allot better now. Thank You."
Pocahontas smiled and Rolfe
began to
blush. Then Pocahontas looked at the picture,
"Did you draw this?"
John was embarrassed for her to see it and he
rubbed his neck.
"Yea, I did."
"It's good.........and it's me."
"I know," John didn't want her to look at it
anymore so he took the picture
from her hands.
"Oh, I liked it..........it's sweet." Pocahontas
seemed upset that he took it
away from
her and John looked at the picture, fondling
"You can have it, if you want." John then handed
it back to her, "But it's the
picture I have of you."
Pocahontas looked up at him.
He did care about her and loved her, and here
was, trying to take away the only picture he
has of her.
"Keep it then....." Pocahontas began to get
up out of his bed, "I better go
since I'm
feeling better, I don't want to deprive you
of your sleep......" But John
blocked her
"Do you have to go so soon?" He sounded desperate
in his voice. It showed that
did not want her to go."........please don't
go..." He finished. Pocahontas
tipped her
head to him and looked into his deep brown eyes.
Gently he took her hands into
and placed them on his chest, then he gradually
placed his arms around her,
ever more forward to her. Pocahontas closed
her eyes and moved closer to John.
began to touch his lips to hers and then pressed
a little more. Pocahontas
felt his
body heat touch her body and his large hands
slipped down her back to her
then below her hips where they rested. John
embraced Pocahontas tighter and
caressed her soft long neck. He moved his lips
downwards onto her shoulders
placed an available hand on her tender breast,
grasping it more with every
As Pocahontas felt John handle
her, inside she began to cry for more. She
clinged onto his shirt and he proceeded to pull
her dress top down her
shoulders so
to reveal the tops of her breasts. The stubble
from his over due shaven face
rubbed against her bare skin, leaving an unique
sensation serge through her
John started to breath heavily from the excitement
and want he was feeling for
Pocahontas. He didn't want to let her go. He
wanted to touch her and kiss her
take her. Pocahontas felt John's need and wanted
to confide in it but she was
uneasy about going through with it.
Regretfully, Pocahontas began
to pull away from John's embrace.
"John, ....... No...... I can't...." With each
word she had to take a deep
Pocahontas opened her eyes and knocked John's
grip from her. John stood there
shocked and hurt.
"What? What's wrong?"
"I can't do this....." Pocahontas turned her
head away from him and then
back into his eyes, "......I'm sorry....." In
a breeze, Pocahontas rushed out
of John's
"Pocahontas.......... I love you." But
John was too late, he should of told her
He thought about going after her and telling
her he was sorry and that he
her, but John knew it wouldn't do anything.
"Oh Pocahontas..." John groaned,
really wanted her!
Shaking, Pocahontas ran into her room and
slammed the door behind her. She
flopped onto her bed, crying and sobbing. What
was she to do? John wanted her
and she was scared. Scared to be with him. Pocahontas
buried her face into the
pillow and tried to forget about it.
John sat back down into his
chair and placed his head in his hands. To
Pocahontas refuse him made his heart ache with
pain and he could not hold his
back. 'How could I be so stupid! Why did I do
that? I have frightened her.
Pocahontas doesn't really care for me. She doesn't
want me.....' John only
of the worse possibilities and tears flowed
down his rough cheeks. He had
felt so unwanted, then he did at that moment.
The night was long and it
gave both of the two plenty of time to think
what had just happened. In the morning, John
got up as usual, but did not
speak to
Pocahontas. When she came up on deck, dressed
and ready for breakfast, John
not come to greet her like always. He stayed
away from her, afraid that she
not want him there and would not speak to him.
Pocahontas wasn't surprised
that John didn't greet her Good Morning, but
inside she was hurting. It was already only
a couple hours and she was already
agony from not hearing his voice. She didn't
want him to think she didn't want
but she didn't know if he would ever speak to
her again. Pocahontas kept to
and so did John.
Breakfast was served in the
kitchen and everyone sat down to eat in the
hold. Pocahontas got her plate and sat down
next to one of her new friends she
on the ship, Christine. Christine knew the bond
that was growing between
Pocahontas and John, but to see her friend not
be with him that morning
her. They were always close.
Christine looked at Pocahontas
and noticed that her eyes were red from
"Pocahontas? What are you doing over here? Where's
Pocahontas didn't answer right away. She made
herself more comfortable next to
Christine and slowly started to pick at her
"I don't know and I don't care....... I ah just
wanted a change, that's all."
Pocahontas seemed angry, but also upset.
"Oh, but you always eat with John. Has something
happened?" Christine leaned
closer to Pocahontas so she could see her face.
"Nothing has happened. I just said I wanted
a change... okay." Pocahontas
Christine in the eyes intensely.
"all right, if you say so. So how are you?"
"I'm..... fine." Pocahontas tediously pecked
at her food, almost like a bird.
decided to not talk to Pocahontas anymore because
she knew something was up
she would just wait to see what it was, Pocahontas
would have to tell
Some more crew members began
to file in to the room with their plates of
and John walked in with a couple of them, laughing
and talking. He tried to
not look
at Pocahontas, who was seated facing the door.
John held is plate and kept up
the other guys who were going to sit down at
a grouping of cargo boxes in the
Pocahontas glanced at John but quickly looked
away and pushed a fork full of
in her mouth. Christine watched the two and
instantaneously knew that they had
argument of some sort.
Pocahontas quietly sat, but
she was crying inside. John didn't even look
at her!
She was sitting right there in front of the
door and he ignored her. 'He
love me.....' Pocahontas looked at her food,
though her eyes began to fill
with tears
and everything began to get blurry. She rubbed
the tears away, but more would
just come.
John didn't eat much of his
food. His appetite was lost and he couldn't
"Hey John, so what are you doing over here eating
with us guys? Should you be
over their with your girl?" A sailor named James
slapped John's back and
to him.
"Oh, I just wanted to eat with you guys today...
I never talk to you much."
"But what about Pocahontas? Now you've left
her over there all alone to talk
to no
"She has Christine...... besides, I don't care
about her anymore."
All the men in the group looked at John in shock!
Pocahontas was everything to
John and they all knew it... she was always
the main topic when John spoke.
"What?!" Another sailor spoke up. John didn't
say anymore and watched
Pocahontas huddle over her plate.
"Got tired of her huh? What was the problem,
she leave her skirt down to
One crew member shouted and all the men started
to laugh. They thought it was
real funny, but John was offended. He immediately
sat up and walked towards to
door to leave, although was stopped by the captain
who was entering.
"Hey John! Where you going in such a rush? I
have an announcement to make!"
captain grabbed John's arm and pulled him over
to the said so he could speak
"Attention everyone! I have an announcement!"
Everyone put down their forks
looked up. "I would like to tell everyone how
well this voyage is going and
that we
will be arriving to land in a matter of weeks....
maybe even this week. Also, I
like to say, due to this extreme heat, we've
had a couple heat exhaustion's.
Pocahontas yesterday fainted and was taken into
the care of John Rolfe here.
Pocahontas is better." He looked down at Pocahontas
who was standing in front
her. "Come up here Pocahontas. See, Pocahontas
is doing much better, so if you
heat exhaustion, call on my friend here John
and he will take care of you!"
captain began to laugh, it was supposed to be
a joke but John felt really
embarrassed. Pocahontas stood up next to the
captain and he pulled her over to
next to John. The captain looked at them both
and nudged John with his elbow
winked to Pocahontas.
Pocahontas turned bright
red with anger and tears streamed from her eyes.
quickly pushed away from them and ran outside
up the stairs to the top deck.
was angry at the Captain for making that joke
and John ran after her.
At the back of the boat, Pocahontas
leaned over the side of the ship to
look at
the breaking waves. John didn't see her at first
when he came up, but he
looked on
the other side of the Captain's quarters and
found her standing there alone.
then anything did he want to go to her and say
he was sorry for everything
that had
happened, but a part of him kept him away. John
slowly forced himself to walk
over to her and the squeaking floor boards gave
away his presence. She looked
her shoulder to see who it was and then quickly
turned away. Pocahontas didn't
want to talk to him.
"Pocahontas?" John said in a low voice. Pocahontas
did not answer. "I know
this is a
little late and I should of told you sooner,
but I didn't know if you would
it......... I'm sorry for everything...... please
forgive me...... I couldn't help
myself last night,
I... I...... I just love you too much, you have
no idea." John walked up next to
near Pocahontas and she took a step away from
him, though he got closer.
"Pocahontas, I want you...... You and no one
else. If you don't want me,
then.... then
you must tell me because I don't want to keep
going on feeling this way if you
don't care for me...... please say something......"
Pocahontas rubbed her head
against her shoulder and curled up into a
little ball.
Should she forgive John? He was confessing.
Telling her he was sorry and that
loved her. Pocahontas wanted to say yes, with
all her heart, but for some
nothing came out. Finally after Pocahontas thought
about it, she turned around
face John and tell him she loved him, but he
was gone.
"John?" Pocahontas looked around and noticed
a sailor standing next to the
"Where did John go?" The sailor looked up at
"He went down below.... and didn't look to happy
'Oh No' Pocahontas thought...... he had left
before she could answer. He
thought now that she did not love him. Pocahontas
ran down below and quickly
to John's room.
"John." She slightly opened the door and peeked
in. John was laying on his bed
his stomach. Pocahontas let herself in and closed
the door quietly. "John?"
"Go away......." an angry voice replied.
"But John..... "She tried to get in a word before
John got up out of bed and
towards her.
"I said get out. Leave! I don't want your piety!"
John's broad chest
Pocahontas and she was trapped into walking
back towards the door.
"No John!" Pocahontas pushed by him and walked
over to the other side of the
room. "I'm not leaving." She positioned herself
next to the desk in the
Laying on the desk she noticed the same drawing
she had looked at earlier. It
all crinkled up, as if someone rolled it up
into a ball but then up wrapped
Pocahontas lifted the picture and held it close
to her. John stood there
staring at
her with sad puppy dog eyes. "John, you didn't
give me time to answer."
looked up at him and smiled, "I love you so
much!" She didn't say anything
else and
ran to him, wrapping her arms around his neck
and hugged him tightly. The
flew down to the floor as she grabbed a hold
of John.
"Pocahontas...." John said in a soothed deep
voice, "oh Pocahontas."
John tipped his head back
and looked at Pocahontas in the eyes. He
his lips and gently touched hers. Pocahontas
parted her lips as John pressed
harder, sucking in all her breath. She placed
her hand on his cheek and slid
around to the back of his neck. John was wet
with perspiration. Moving his
down the curves of her body, John pushed Pocahontas
body to his. Pocahontas'
heart began to pound harder has she felt his
warm hand un-tie her dress in the
back. One by one, John un did each weave. The
tight dress around Pocahontas
became loose and began to slide down her shoulders.
John moved his lips to her
neck and then to her chest, pulling down the
dress as he moved down.
brushed her fingers through John's long brown
hair and took out the band that
held it together. He stood up to face her and
quickly pulled off his shirt,
his white bare chest bulging with muscle. His
hair flew down upon his
shoulders and
swiped against Pocahontas' face.
Pocahontas pulled down her
dress and it dropped to the floor. She closed
eyes as John caressed her breasts. Slowly she
could feel his hand slide down
in-between her legs. His warm musasing made
her gentile throb and become wet
through her underwear. Pocahontas pulled off
her underwear and John rubbed her
even more then before.
They went over to the bed
and lied down. John pulled off his pants to
himself. Tenderly, John kissed Pocahontas more
on the lips and pulled himself
top of her. She spread her legs far and John
felt his way into the depths of
The piercing pain shot through Pocahontas' body
and she had to let out a
little cry.
John wrapped his arms around her as he performed
and kissed Pocahontas' neck.
He gave out a groan and Pocahontas kissed John
back on the lips to quiet him.
"I love you...." Pocahontas whispered in his
ear. She held on to him tighter
and did
not let go.
Hours later, John and Pocahontas
feel asleep in his bed. They were still
onto each other. Their true feelings for
each other were finally out and they
ever wanted to be apart again.
The End
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